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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Our practice nurses are available throughout the week, by appointment, to carry out health promotion, travel immunisation sessions and routine cervical smears as well as offering general advice on health matters.

You can request an appointment with the nurse by:

Please note that the appointments booked online with the nurse are for blood tests and blood pressure checks only, for anything else you will need to contact the surgery and book in the usual way.

On a Monday morning we have an urgent appointment triage system which is run by Sister Annette Marsh, she will assess each patient’s needs by means of a telephone call and either offer advice or an appointment whichever is appropriate.

In addition to GP consultations the practice adheres to the general medical services contract for the provision of healthcare services:

Essential services

Asthma/COPD clinics

These are run on a Thursday afternoon, 1:30pm to 3:30pm, by our practice nurse Pippa Williams. If you are unable to come to the surgery at this time please make an appointment with Pippa at some other time, but please make the receptionist aware that it is for an asthma check so that she can make sure that enough time is allocated for the appointment.

Diabetic clinic

Appointments for the diabetic clinic are available on a Monday afternoon, 2pm to 3pm and on a Wednesday morning, 10:45am to 12:30pm, both clinics are with sister Annette Marsh.

Additional services

Cervical smears

Due a cervical screening test? Your safety is important, so due to COVID-19, the way we carry out tests has changed. Regular appointments are available with our practice nurse so please book your test. When you make your appointment the receptionist will explain our current appointment procedures that we have in place in order to keep you safe when you arrive at the surgery.

Contraceptive services

We offer a range of contraceptive options for our patients. If you would like to discuss which choice is best for you please make an appointment with one of the doctors.

Health visitor clinics

Our health visitors are responsible for the developmental assessment of all preschool children.

The health visitors run a clinic on every other Thursday afternoon, 2pm to 3:30pm. No pre-booked appointment is necessary, just report to reception on arrival.

The health visitors can be contacted by phoning 0300 421 8967. Non urgent messages for the health visitors can be left at the surgery.

Maternity services

A midwife is attached to the practice and holds antenatal clinics, by appointment, on Thursday afternoon, 2pm to 4pm.

Messages for the midwife can be left at the surgery on 01453 882868, or at Stroud Maternity Hospital on 01453 562140.

Minor surgery

Minor surgery is done at the surgery by Dr Nattrass on Thursday mornings, 8:30am to 9:30am.

You need to be seen by the doctor who is going to be carrying out the procedure prior to booking an appointment for minor surgery.

Adult vaccinations

All adults should ensure that they have had a tetanus booster in the last 10 years (only a total of 5 tetanus boosters are needed in a lifetime) and have had a full course of polio vaccinations, if in doubt then please check with the receptionist.

Flu and pneumococcal vaccinations are available each autumn, for patients over 65 and those in the ‘at risk’ groups. Pneumococcal vaccinations are only needed once in a lifetime.

For adults and some children who are vulnerable (eg those with diabetes, emphysema, heart failure, splenectomy, etc) other vaccinations may be recommended (eg influenza, pneumococcal, meningitis).

Childhood vaccinations and immunisations

Baby clinics are held on a Thursday morning, 10:30am to 11:50am, with our practice nurse, Lucy Wallker.

Ideally, children should have their jabs at the right age to protect them as early as possible and minimise the risk of infection. For information on the vaccination schedule, please visit the NHS website.

Dressings and removal of sutures

These are done by the practice nurses.

Military Veterans – priority NHS care

If you are a military veteran, please let reception, your GP or nurse know so we can update your medical records.

The UK government has pledged to support military veterans with priority NHS care.

Who is defined as a veteran? ‘A veteran is someone who has served in the armed forces for at least one day in the regular or reservist forces’. There are around 4.5 million veterans in the UK.

When servicemen and women leave the armed forces, their healthcare is the responsibility of the NHS.

All veterans are entitled to priority access to NHS hospital care for any condition as long as it’s related to their service, regardless of whether or not they receive a war pension.

Veterans are encouraged to tell their GP about their veteran status in order to benefit from priority treatment if appropriate.